The course begins
November 5th | 12:00pm


Perhaps you're stuck in the cycle of sending out low proposals and you don’t see how making $5k is even possible. Or maybe you're just starting out, overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information out there, and unsure of which steps to take.

Despite all of your hard work, you are feeling lost, unmotivated, and worse, underpaid. It’s like being stuck in a place where raising your prices feels like the fast track to signing fewer clients so you just keep them low.

The challenges you face are real and common and you're not alone. How do I know that? Because I was there 2 years ago. I was sending out $500 proposals (and still being ghosted) and I was working as if I had a 9-5 job but without the salary. I felt so hopeless and like charging $1,000 or even $2,000 was completely unachievable.

Are you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed with how to have a successful social media management agency and scale?



And guess what? It worked. And it can work for you too

Within a few months, not only did I start signing bigger contracts, but I was hitting $5,000 months and it continued to increase to $20,000 months. While there is no magic pill to make this work, in The Social Club Accelerator which is my new 6-weeks live course, I am teaching you the exact steps I took to first make it to $5k months and continue the growth into a six-figure agency.

The Social Club Accelerator isn't just another online course - it's the exact roadmap I followed to build my agency to where it is today.

But then I decided to make a change. I realized that it wasn’t just about increasing my rates, but the real change came when I shifted my entire business approach.

I'm sure you have seen loads of courses being offered, but I want to explain what is different about The Social Club Accelerator. First of all, if you follow me on Instagram, you know I'm a no BS kind of girl, and I'm not going to make any crazy promises. I'm not going to tell you that if you sign up for this course, you will easily get to $5k months – but it’s 100% possible if you put in the work. In The Social Club Accelerator, I share how I grew my business to a 6-figure agency while working with dream clients in less than 2 years, and all the mistakes that I made along the road so you can avoid making the same ones.

i want to join



Once you finish this course:

You will know the exact steps I took to grow my business to $5k months and continuing the growth to a six-figure agency.

You will feel confident that you too can build your own agency and work with dream clients while having fun.

You will have a community of like-minded women who supports you when you need it and who are ready to answer your questions.

enroll now

In the workspace you can connect with me and fellow students to get feedback on weekly homework and questions related to social media or your business.

Access to a dedicated workspace

If you are unable to join live, you will receive a recording of the class. Once the course is over, all classes will be made available for rewatching.

Recordings of classes

You will receive a list of the tools and resources we use for daily management of client accounts and to communicate and plan internally.

List of Resources Related to Social Media Management

This includes 10+ templates that you can use in your business. See descriptions of the templates below.

Access to ALL of The Social Agency's Online Templates ($500 value)

Throughout the course duration, you get direct access to ask me questions and get my feedback.

1:1 Personalized Support

Classes start at 12pm EST | 6pm CET on November 5th.

6 x 1.5-hour Live Sessions Every tuesday

That all sounds pretty good right?
Here is what else is included:

Overcoming your own mindset and becoming a CEO.

Imposter Syndrome

WEEK 1: 

How to build a strategy, how to manage an account, how to create content (video + static), how to do analytics, how to do engagement etc.

All things Instagram Part 1

WEEK 2: 

How to build a strategy, how to manage an account, how to create content (video + static), how to do analytics, how to do engagement etc.

All things Instagram Part 2

WEEK 3: 

week 6

Finding your niche and creating custom packages + pricing that works for your ideal clients.

Ideal clients + Packages & Pricing

WEEK 4: 

week 6

week 6

week 5

week 4

week 3

week 2

week 1

How to market yourself so new clients find you and are ready to invest.

It’s Time for New Clients

WEEK 5: 

week 6

Which systems to use to streamline the content planning and approval process, setting up inquiry system & sales funnel, service guides and welcome packets, etc.

Let’s get organized

WEEK 6: 

week 6

Get access to our signature Instagram strategy framework. This framework guides you through 70+ prompts that altogether makes it seamless to create a new strategy. It covers 8 steps that include: Goals, SWOT analysis, audience, competitors, content, language, engagement, and feed.

Value: $99


Get access to the exact template we use to report analytics to our clients each month. The template can be customized to fit your branding, so you can send it to your clients.

Value: $19


If discovery calls are not your thing, you can use our sales calls script as inspiration for your own. The script can easily be modified based on your own services and offers.

Value: $16


Make it easy for new clients to understand your services and packages with our service guide template. This Canva template can easily be customized to your own branding and to add your own services and packages.

Value: $99


Wow your leads by sending a beautifully designed proposal after your discovery calls. This Canva template can easily be customized to include your own branding and packages.



Once new clients have signed, make onboarding easy with our welcome packet template. This template includes an introduction to your team (even if it’s just you for now), next steps, onboarding checklist, and more.



Make content approval easy with the exact template we use for our content calendars.



Are you stuck on what to write when you’re reaching out to new clients? Get access to our cold email script so you can fire out cold emails with ease.



Make onboarding easier with this checklist that covers everything you need from your clients during the onboarding phase.



Get access to our expansive onboarding questionnaire that we have all clients fill out when we begin working with them. This questionnaire makes it a breeze to fill out the Instagram Strategy Framework as it will give you all the details and information you need.




My name is Anna, and I founded The Social Agency in 2021 at just 24 years old. 

After having finished my Bachelor’s in Marketing from Copenhagen Business School and having freelanced as a social media manager, I decided to start the agency because I knew I wanted to freedom of working from abroad. At the time, I was in grad school doing a Master’s In Organizational Communication and, at the same time, traveling between Copenhagen and New York City every few months, which made it impossible for me to have a regular job. For that reason, being my own boss while having control over my income made the decision to start my agency an easy one to make.


At first, I’m not going to lie, I was struggling. I could barely get a response from clients when I sent out cold emails or DMs. After 9 months of freelancing, I was still only making around $2,000 per month even though I was working hard – I just didn’t have the right tools and increasing my prices didn’t help. But then I decided to make a change. I invested in my business through various courses and business coaches, and made changes to my business model and approach. I finally saw a change, and all of a sudden, clients came to me instead of me reaching out to them. Finally, clients were no longer batting an eye when I sent out proposals at $1,000 or more. And finally, I was able to scale to $5k without feeling burnout in just 3 months.


My name is Anna, and I founded The Social Agency in 2021 at just 24 years old. 

i am ready!

Are you ready to make the same transformation I did and make your dream agency without burnout become a reality?

I know a lot of you who are reading this are thinking, “I wish I could do that” and I want to let you know that you can. But it’s not as easy as just raising your prices – It requires actual work on your business which is what I’m giving you the roadmap to in this course.


My name is Anna, and I founded The Social Agency in 2021 at just 24 years old. 

enroll now

Even if you are brand new at social media management or you have been doing it for years, you get access to my proven framework when you join The Social Club Accelerator so you *too* can build the agency you dream of.


Every week, the class will start by discussing last week’s homework and questions that you might have after completing it. Then we will move on to a presentation of the week’s topic which will take up the majority of the session. At the end of the class, there will be time for questions about the topic of the week and you will be presented with your new homework assignment.

In Slack, there will be a pinned post where you can post your homework and get feedback from me and from your fellow course participants. And example of homework is to come up with your own packages + pricing based after week 4’s class and post it in the thread. Completing the homework each week will not only help you evolve as an entrepreneur but also build a solid foundation for your business. For anyone unavailable to join live due to time zone constraints, there will be a thread in Slack where you can ask your questions for the weekly Q&A.


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Through a varied curriculum, we cover topics that are relevant for both new and scaling social media managers who want to sell higher retainers and get rid of low-ticket clients.

If you can say yes to even just half of these, this course is for you!

Are you a woman?

Are you currently a social media manager or want to become one?

Are you looking to scale your monthly income without burnout?

Are you unsure about your packages & pricing?

Are you looking for support in how to get high-paying clients?

Are you wanting clients to find you instead of doing outreach

Are you wanting to become better at social media strategy?

Are you wanting to learn how to optimize your client work?

If you are still not sure if The Social Club Accelerator is for you, let’s find out:


let's get started

You will get a total value of $7,000 for
only three payments of $299 or one payment of $799.

6 x 1.5 hour sessions with Anna – $3,000 VALUE
Social Media Club Course E-book – $1,000 VALUE
Lifetime access to all recordings of the classes – $500 VALUE
Lifetime access to 10+ digital templates – $500 VALUE
Dedicated Slack space for alumni - $500 VALUE
Access to 1:1 feedback from Anna during the course – $1,000 VALUE
10% referral fee for any new students – $500 VALUE

With The Social Club Accelerator
you get access to:

what is the price?

Frequently Asked Questions

You can choose to either make one payment of $799 or three monthly payments of $299. If you want another payment plan, please send an email to

The first class starts Monday, April 8th at 12 am EST | 6 pm CET. The course runs for 6 weeks.

Each class is 90 minutes. The class starts with a recap of homework before moving on to the weekly topic. At the end of the class, there will be time for questions.

Absolutely! I highly recommend signing up for the course if you are just starting as it will save you so much time. Not only will you get 1:1 help with your packages & pricing, you will also learn how to attract your first clients and which systems to use for client management.

Yes! The strategies I teach are the same woI used to make it to $20k months. If you are currently relying on old clients or referrals, you will learn how to attract new and high-paying clients on this course which can help you scale your income.

If you know in advance you have to miss a class, please contact me in advance to get the recording.

This course is designed to be live and you will gain the most from it by joining live. However, if you’re in a time zone where you’re not able to join live, you will get all recordings and there will be a weekly thread on Slack where you can ask questions for each module.

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